What do I do if I think a student loan lender discriminated against me?
What do I do if I think a student loan lender discriminated against me? Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, it is illegal for a […]
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Can a creditor ask me about the alimony, child support, or separate mainten...
Can a creditor ask me about the alimony, child support, or separate maintenance payments that I or my co-signer receive? A creditor may ask whether […]
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Does a creditor have to consider my part-time or retirement income?
Does a creditor have to consider my part-time or retirement income? A creditor cannot discount or refuse to consider your (or your co-signer’s) income because […]
380 total views, 0 today
What is a Truth-in-Lending Disclosure? When do I get to see it?
What is a Truth-in-Lending Disclosure? When do I get to see it? The federal Truth-in-Lending Act – or “TILA” for short – requires that borrowers […]
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