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I am a member of the military or spouse/family member of a servicemember an...
I am a member of the military or spouse/family member of a servicemember and I think I have a loan that exceeds what I can […]
314 total views, 0 today
What should I do if I think that a lender or auto dealer discriminated agai...
What should I do if I think that a lender or auto dealer discriminated against me in my auto loan application, such as by denying […]
316 total views, 0 today
Can a lender or dealer consider my age, my receipt of part-time income, or ...
Can a lender or dealer consider my age, my receipt of part-time income, or my retirement income when deciding whether to give me an auto […]
338 total views, 0 today
Can a lender or dealer consider my sex, marital status, or dependents when ...
Can a lender or dealer consider my sex, marital status, or dependents when deciding whether to give me an auto loan? A creditor such as […]
352 total views, 0 today
Can a lender or dealer ask me about the alimony, child support, or separate...
Can a lender or dealer ask me about the alimony, child support, or separate maintenance payments that I receive when I apply for an auto […]
316 total views, 1 today
Does a lender or dealer have to consider my part-time or retirement income?...
Does a lender or dealer have to consider my part-time or retirement income? A creditor such as a lender or dealer cannot discount or refuse […]
318 total views, 0 today
My lender or dealer said that my spouse had to co-sign my auto loan. Is thi...
My lender or dealer said that my spouse had to co-sign my auto loan. Is this right? In general, a creditor such as a lender […]
317 total views, 0 today
If I need to have a co-signer, can a lender or dealer require that it be my...
If I need to have a co-signer, can a lender or dealer require that it be my spouse? No. If you do not individually qualify, […]
367 total views, 0 today
How do credit reporting companies get my information?
How do credit reporting companies get my information? Banks, credit unions, retail credit card issuers, auto lenders, mortgage lenders, debt collectors and others voluntarily send […]
319 total views, 0 today
What types of loans are covered under the Military Lending Act?
What types of loans are covered under the Military Lending Act? Payday loans, overdraft lines of credit, and most installment loans are covered by the […]
333 total views, 0 today